Daily Taurus Horoscope January 01 (01/01)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

January 01


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

We can go long periods of time clinging to or defending a point of view that we know, in our heart, we should be a bit more open-minded toward. We do so in the belief we must have had a good reason to cling or defend in ways we chose to but there are times when all is takes is one seemingly small development to encourage us to think differently. Be prepared to let go of a belief or attitude that served you well in the past but has little or no relevance now.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Eeny meeny miney moe. So go the words integral to many a decision-making process for over a century. The process is far from perfect though and whoever is moe the first time around is likely to be it unless selection fingers were pointed randomly during the ritual. A decision you need to make could do with a bit more spontaneity in the mix. Apply a bit more imagination to what youre trying to decide and you wont be so much at risk of arriving at the same result!


summary taurus weekly

Star 7/10

At this time of year, people are putting resolutions in place. Many thought this period was light years away when they decided changes needed to be introduced and, now, here we are, officially in Resolution Territory. A plan close to your heart could use some support and, in the same way Resolution Makers benefit from telling others of their intentions, you too can benefit by making others aware of what youre considering embarking upon. It could be what spurs you on to do it.


summary taurus monthly

Star 7/10

Astrology textbooks portray Taureans as so laid-back, youre at risk of falling over. Im sure bulls are passive creatures until something fires them up and during January, any laid-back demeanor you might possess will be replaced with energy and enthusiasm not seen in a while. Expect to be removed from a comfort zone but expect as well to see clearly what your next move must be in a particular way and receive praise and appreciation where youve wanted both.


health taurus daily

Star 9/10

It will be in your best interest today to participate fully in what you do. Turn on your inner light and work to the best of your abilities, and I assure you it will be appreciated. Treat yourself with the same focused attention. Give yourself the full benefit of a little exercise, a special meal that nourishes your body, and a nice relaxing time before bed to calm your thoughts and reflect on your day. These recommendations could keep you out of trouble!


health taurus tomorrow

Star 9/10

Given the current astral energy, you might be hearing the voice ringing in everyones head: "Enough! I want what I want, and I want it now!" If this brings apprehension, its because the days planetary aspect is not through with you yet. Whatever the limitations you have been incorporating into your life may be, they need to be closely examined. Ask yourself if you are doing the best that you can in your self care, particularly when it comes to your health.


health taurus weekly

Star 7/10

You might have a desire to get away and do all kinds of wonderful things, but you wont feel so adventurous if your health isnt great. Find a way to stick with a healthier diet and exercise regimen. It will guarantee you lots more energy. Whatever it is that tempts you away from your disciplined mindset, resist it and get back on track.


health taurus monthly

Star 10/10

With Jupiter making its presence felt in your wellness sector, you may feel energized and confident that any issues are on the mend. The one thing to watch out for is the tendency to overindulge, which could be a temptation with unending holiday fare and seasonal goodies around. Key influences could see you adopting a philosophy that changes your thoughts about diet or how you conduct your life. You might decide to try a vegetarian, vegan, paleo, or other diet that rings true for you. Doing so could leave you feeling better on all levels.


love taurus daily

Star 7/10

Today, love may be based on a few misconceptions of the most tantalizing and rapturous kind. The current astral aspect may find you drooling over someone who seems to represent your ideal romantic partner. You follow their every move, hang on their every word, and cant bear to let them out of your sight for a moment, for fear you might lose them. Perhaps its time to grow up.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

The alignment of the planets encourages profound and transforming conversations. If you have been hiding anything, or have been too embarrassed to admit to certain difficulties or faults, take advantage of this opportunity to sit down and have that talk. It may bring up a whole range of emotions, but ultimately will be very freeing. You will find that this process strengthens the bond between you.


love taurus weekly

Star 8/10

When youre unsure of yourself, do you have a tendency to try to overcompensate? Chances are good that the person youre trying to impress at the beginning of the week isnt seeing the real you. Relax, take a deep breath, and start over. Youll get it right once you loosen up a bit. Doing something risqu and out of character is exciting over the weekend. There are consequences, but they arent obvious right now.


love taurus monthly

Star 8/10

You arent likely to lose your head when Mercury spends time in calm, collected Capricorn, beginning January 2. Your fellow Earth Sign makes sure communication with potential dates and new love interests stays on a logical, practical level until you know each other better. The energy between dominant Mars and gentle Pisces is electric on January 19, creating an irresistible aura of anticipation. Will you or wont you is the million-dollar question. The Jupiter/Uranus opposition on January 26 creates some uncertainty in the air, but do you really want a sure thing when it comes to romance? The pursuit is half the fun.


career taurus daily

Star 8/10

Your personal presentation is extra important today. Make sure that you look good. Display an air of confidence and strength. Even if you dont feel confident, fake it. No one will ever know the difference. Hold your head high and you will go far.


career taurus tomorrow

Star 7/10

Dont tell your boss how to do his or her job today. The backlash that would come could be quite detrimental to the future of your employment at your current workplace. You are better off postponing your thoughts for a day or two.


career taurus weekly

Star 8/10

Be cautious about anything that seems too good to be true. Many people may go off the deep end with a grand scheme or office romance. Good humor and helpful insights make you the go-to person. Your ability to encourage others and smooth unsettled situations will be appreciated. This is a lucky time for making constructive contacts. Its good for applying for a new or better position. You can also find practical support for what you do.


career taurus monthly

Star 10/10

A handsome paycheck could be awarded to you toward the middle of the month. This cash infusion will allow you to buy some lavish gifts for the holidays. Go ahead and indulge your love of luxury. You work hard for your money and should have something to show for it. The days surrounding January 26 could find you traveling on business. Youll make a terrific impression on potential clients and customers. Theyll admire the depth and breadth of your knowledge. Dont hesitate to seal this deal before the year is over. Your boss will appreciate your ability to close quickly and decisively.



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